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Dictionary Suite
philharmonic of or relating to a symphony orchestra. [2/3 definitions]
pop concert a concert by a symphony orchestra playing popular and light classical music. [1/2 definitions]
symphonic of or pertaining to a musical symphony, or to a symphony orchestra. [1/2 definitions]
symphonic poem a composition for a symphony orchestra, usu. in one movement, that is evocative of a story, idea, scene in nature, or other nonmusical theme.
symphony a concert orchestra; symphony orchestra. [1/2 definitions]
symphony orchestra a large group of classical musicians, including string, woodwind, brass, and percussion sections. A symphony orchestra performs symphonies and other orchestral pieces under the direction of a conductor.
timpani (often used with a sing. verb) a set of kettledrums tuned to different pitches and played by one drummer, often used in symphony orchestras.