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darshan in Judaism, a teacher of the Talmud and other religious texts at a synagogue. [1/2 definitions]
Gemara the second part of the Talmud that contains an expansion of and comments on the Mishnah.
Judaism the religion of the Jewish people. It is based on the belief in one God and on two holy books, the Old Testament of the Bible and the Talmud.
Mishnah the first section of the Talmud, consisting of the oral laws and scriptural interpretations of them. [1/2 definitions]
Mount Sinai according to the Old Testament, the desert height on which Moses received from God the Ten Commandments and, according to rabbinic tradition, the whole body of law found in the Pentateuch and the Talmud.
Talmudist an author or compiler of some portion of the Talmud. [2 definitions]
torah (sometimes capitalized) the whole body of recorded Jewish law and wisdom, in particular the Old Testament and the Talmud. [1/2 definitions]