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Catholicism the theological and moral doctrines, the faith, and the ecclesiastical practices of the Roman Catholic Church.
creationism the theological doctrine that each human soul is created out of nothing for each individual born. [1/2 definitions]
morality play an allegorical drama with characters that personify certain vices and virtues, intended for the moral and theological instruction of the audience.
nontheological combined form of theological.
quodlibet a formal debate or argument, as on a theological or philosophical problem. [1/2 definitions]
scholasticism (sometimes cap.) the prevailing system of medieval theological and philosophical teaching, based on the authority of the early Christian church fathers and on Aristotelian logic. [1/2 definitions]
theologize to speculate or theorize on theological matters or subjects. [2 definitions]
Thomism the theological and philosophical system of St. Thomas Aquinas, on which thirteenth-century scholasticism was based.
universalism (often cap.) a theological doctrine that asserts the universal fatherhood of God and the final salvation of all people. [1/2 definitions]
Upanishads a group of Hindu writings of the sixth to eighth centuries dealing with philosophical and theological questions of mankind and the universe.
virgin birth (often cap.) the Christian theological doctrine that Mary was still a virgin when she bore Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit having miraculously impregnated her. [1/2 definitions]