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Dictionary Suite
commutation ticket a ticket for a specified number of trips to and from the same destinations that is issued, at a reduced rate, to commuters, esp. for railroad or toll road travel.
knell to toll, as a bell. [1/6 definitions]
pike3 a road on which a toll is charged; turnpike.
publican a tax or toll collector in ancient Rome. [1/2 definitions]
thruway a limited access highway or toll road, usu. crossing an entire state or similar long distance.
toll bar a barrier to access, as to a road or bridge, that is lifted after a toll is collected; tollgate.
tollbooth a booth where a toll is paid, as for access to a road or bridge.
toll bridge a bridge at which one must pay a toll in order to cross.
tollgate a gate or gatelike structure where a toll is collected, as on a highway.
toll road a road that one must pay a toll to use.
turnpike a highway on which drivers are charged a toll.