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bitters a liquid flavoring or tonic, often alcoholic, made by steeping bitter roots or herbs, used esp. in cocktails.
bracer1 (informal) a strong, stimulating drink or tonic, esp. of liquor. [1/2 definitions]
guarana a drink or tonic made with guarana. [1/2 definitions]
herbal tea a beverage or health tonic made from steeping dried herbs in boiling water and served in a similar manner to tea made with tea leaves. Herbal tea may also be made with added dried fruit and spice and generally does not contain caffeine.
iron a salt or compound containing iron that can be digested, found in green vegetables and red meats or given as a tonic or dietary supplement for the prevention of anemia. [1/16 definitions]
keynote in music, the note defining the basic tonality of a piece or section of a piece; tonic. [1/3 definitions]
pipsissewa any of several evergreen herbs bearing white or pink flowers and jagged leathery leaves, formerly used as a diuretic and tonic.
quassia a bitter drug extracted from the wood and bark of this tree, used in insecticides and taken as a medicinal tonic. [1/2 definitions]
quinine water carbonated water flavored with quinine; tonic.
subtonic the seventh tone of a diatonic scale, one note below the upper tonic.
supertonic the second note of a diatonic scale, a whole step above the tonic.
tonic carbonated quinine water, used in mixed drinks; tonic water. [2/6 definitions]