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blouse a loosely fitting peasant garment covering the arms and torso and extending as far as the hip or knee. [1/4 definitions]
body the torso of a person or animal. [1/7 definitions]
body stocking a snug, one-piece garment or undergarment, worn usu. by women, that covers the torso and sometimes the legs.
bodysuit a snug, one-piece garment, with or without sleeves, that covers the torso and serves as a shirt.
breech the lower posterior region of the human torso; buttocks. [1/3 definitions]
centaur in Greek mythology, any of a race of creatures that have the head, arms, and torso of a man and the trunk and legs of a horse.
dwarf (outdated; often considered offensive) a much smaller than average person due to a medical condition, esp. if proportioned so that the person's legs are shorter than his or her torso. [1/7 definitions]
hip1 the portion of the human body on either the left or right side that extends from the thigh to the pelvis and inside which is located the joint that connects the leg to the torso, or a corresponding part of an animal. [1/4 definitions]
mannequin a model of the human torso or body used to fit or display clothing; dummy. [1/2 definitions]
midsection the middle part or section of something, esp. the human torso.
pantyhose a close-fitting, see-through, stretchable garment worm by women that covers the feet, legs, and lower torso.
paraplegia paralysis of the legs and lower torso because of spinal cord injury or disease.
short-waisted having a relatively short torso; having a high waistline. (Cf. long-waisted.)
side the right or left half of a human or animal body, esp. of the torso. [1/13 definitions]
split (sometimes pl.) a gymnastic feat in which the legs are extended in opposite directions at right angles to the torso as the body sinks to the ground. [1/16 definitions]
stick figure a conventional, rudimentary representation of a human figure drawn using a single straight line for the torso, straight lines for the limbs, and a circle for the head.
stomach the front part of the torso below the chest; belly; abdomen. [1/6 definitions]
tights a close-fitting, opaque, stretchable garment that covers the legs and lower torso, used in exercise, acrobatics, and dancing, or worn in place of hosiery by women and girls. [2 definitions]
torso a representation of the torso in sculpture. [1/2 definitions]
trunk the body of a human or animal, excluding the head, neck, and limbs; torso. [1/10 definitions]