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abaft in nautical terminology, toward the stern from; behind. [2 definitions]
-able tending toward, capable of, or fit for (such) a state or action. [1/3 definitions]
-ably in a manner that indicates the capability of or tendency toward performing, or being the object of, (such) an action.
abolitionism advocacy of or legal movement toward abolition, esp. of slavery in the United States.
ac- to; toward.
-acious characterized by; full of or tending toward.
ad- to; toward. [1/2 definitions]
adduct to move or pull (a body part such as a muscle) toward the main axis. (Cf. abduct.)
adulterous pertaining to, in the nature of, characterized by, or inclined toward adultery.
af- to; toward.
afferent bearing or leading toward a central organ or part, as nerves that conduct impulses to the spinal column or as veins that carry blood to the heart.
aft into, near, or toward the rear end of a ship or aircraft. [1/2 definitions]
ahead of further toward the front than. [1/3 definitions]
aim to strive toward a particular goal (often followed by an infinitive or "at"). [1/8 definitions]
alee at or toward that side of a ship which is farthest from the source of wind.
Aleutian Islands a chain of Alaskan islands that extends from the southwest coast toward Russia.
aloft in or toward a high location.
ambivalence the presence of conflicting feelings, such as love and hate, toward a person, thing, or situation. [1/2 definitions]
amidships in or toward the middle of a ship or aircraft. [1/2 definitions]
anarchic characterized by or tending toward anarchy. [1/2 definitions]
anarchist a person who encourages disobedience toward any or all established governments. [1/2 definitions]