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Antigone in an ancient Greek tragedy by Sophocles, the heroine and title character, who buries her brother in defiance of a state edict and is executed.
catastrophe the aftermath of the climax in a drama, esp. classical Greek tragedy; denouement. [1/3 definitions]
Desdemona in the Shakespearean tragedy, Othello, Othello's wife, whom he murders out of unfounded jealousy.
King Lear the title character and protagonist of a tragedy by William Shakespeare.
Macbeth the title character and protagonist of a tragedy by William Shakespeare.
monody an ode recited or sung by a single voice, as in a Greek tragedy. [1/2 definitions]
Oedipus in an ancient Greek tragedy by Sophocles, the protagonist and title character, who unwittingly kills his father and marries his mother.
Othello in a tragedy by William Shakespeare, the title character, who murders his wife in the mistaken belief that she has been unfaithful.
tragic having to do with tragedy. [1/3 definitions]
tragicomedy a stage play or other literary work that combines tragedy and comedy, or a real event or series of events of similar character.