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Dictionary Suite
airwaves the media used for transmission of radio and television signals.
blip an interruption in audio recording or transmission in television or radio. [2/5 definitions]
broadband of, pertaining to, or using a type of high-speed data transmission that allows signals at different frequencies, such as audio and video, to be transmitted simultaneously along a single wire. [1/2 definitions]
broadcast of or pertaining to transmission over television or radio. [1/9 definitions]
camera in television, the device that receives the image and changes it into electrical impulses for transmission. [1/2 definitions]
cholinesterase an enzyme found in the heart, brain, and blood that hydrolyzes acetylcholine to acetic acid and choline, to block the transmission of nerve impulses.
closed circuit a transmission circuit for television with a limited number of reception stations connected to it by cable. [1/2 definitions]
clutch1 a part for working the gears of the engine in a car or truck. In a car with a standard transmission, the pedal for the clutch is on the left. [1/2 definitions]
coaxial cable a high-frequency electronic transmission cable that has two layers of conductive material, one inside the other and separated by insulation.
codec a device or computer program that converts analogue audio and video signals into digital form for transmission purposes, and converts digital signals into analogue form after the transmission has been received.
conduction the transmission or transfer, as of heat, electrical charges, or nervous impulses, through a medium. [1/2 definitions]
DNA abbreviation of deoxyribonucleic acid; any of several acids occurring mainly in cellular nuclei and involved in the transmission of hereditary traits and the formation of proteins..
downlink a channel for receiving transmissions from a spacecraft, or a transmission made on such a channel.
downshift to shift a motor vehicle's transmission into a lower gear.
drive shaft a rotating shaft that transmits torque, as in some automobiles from the transmission to the rear axle.
fax a system or machine for producing printed facsimiles of documents, pictures, and the like by electronic transmission from another location. [1/4 definitions]
forward the state of a mechanism that causes forward movement, esp. a gear in an automobile transmission. (Cf. reverse.) [1/13 definitions]
gearbox the gears and housing that constitute a transmission, esp. of a motor vehicle.
gear lever (chiefly British) a lever used to change the arrangement of gears, esp. in an automobile transmission; gearshift.
gearshift a lever used to change the arrangement of gears, esp. in an automobile transmission.
gear stick (chiefly British) a lever used to change the arrangement of gears, esp. in an automobile transmission; gearshift.