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Dictionary Suite
antimagnetic unaffected by a magnetic field; resistant to magnetization.
catalysis an action initiated between persons or forces by an agent that remains unaffected. [1/2 definitions]
easy free from formal constraints; unaffected. [1/7 definitions]
eternal being unaffected by time or change. [1/4 definitions]
impassivity the condition or quality of lacking or being unaffected by emotion.
rainproof keeping rain out; unaffected by rain; waterproof. [1/2 definitions]
sincere genuine, true, and unaffected. [1/2 definitions]
TNT a yellow flammable solid that is unaffected by ordinary friction or shock, but is used as an explosive; trinitrotoluene.
unpretentious not pretentious; not displaying signs of wealth, high rank, or the like; simple; modest; unaffected.
unstudied appearing natural and unaffected; not self-conscious. [1/2 definitions]