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apostolic succession a doctrine of certain Christian faiths that their bishops are the successors in an unbroken line to the apostles of Jesus Christ.
consecutive following one after another without interruption; in unbroken order. [1/2 definitions]
continuity an unbroken or uninterrupted series or whole. [1/2 definitions]
continuous extending or enduring without pausing or stopping; unceasing; unbroken.
entire unbroken; intact. [1/3 definitions]
even without variations or irregularities; unbroken or continuous. [1/17 definitions]
expanse a wide and open area or land.
fastback on an automobile, a sloping back curving from the top to the rear bumper in an unbroken convex line, or an automobile that has such a back.
Grecian profile a facial profile in which the forehead and nose form an almost straight, unbroken line.
hardpan hard, unbroken ground. [1/2 definitions]
line1 a long, thin mark. [2/11 definitions]
one-step a ballroom dance that consists of an unbroken series of quick walking steps and is danced to ragtime music. [1/3 definitions]
panoramic allowing or presenting a wide unbroken view of landscape and the like.
row1 an unbroken sequence of events. [1/3 definitions]
stand up to remain strong or unbroken even though subjected to rough treatment or close investigation. [1/2 definitions]
straight continuous; unbroken. [1/20 definitions]
sunny side up of an egg, fried on one side, with the yolk unbroken.
wakeless (of sleep) unbroken; undisturbed; sound.