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barbarian a person in a culture believed by those in another culture to be savage, primitive, or uncivilized. [1/4 definitions]
barbarous crude; uncivilized. [1/3 definitions]
beast the uncivilized or animal element within humans. [1/3 definitions]
degraded below normal standards; uncivilized or depraved. [1/2 definitions]
farouche lacking social manners, or unsociable in a savage, uncivilized way; wild.
Goth a rude, uncivilized person; barbarian. [1/2 definitions]
heathen someone who is considered uncivilized and lacking in acceptably enlightened values; barbarian. [1/5 definitions]
savage uncivilized or barbaric; primitive. [1/9 definitions]
uncivil lacking refinement; uncivilized. [1/2 definitions]
wild savage; uncivilized. [1/15 definitions]