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Dictionary Suite
barren unproductive; nonproducing. [1/5 definitions]
blind alley (informal) a fruitless or unproductive undertaking, idea, or line of inquiry. [1/2 definitions]
dead weight (informal) one that is unproductive or gives no advantage, yet still requires resources to support. [1/3 definitions]
deadwood unproductive persons or burdensome things that hinder the smooth function or progress of an enterprise. [1/2 definitions]
drone1 an unproductive person who is supported by others. [1/3 definitions]
fruitless unsuccessful; unproductive. [1/2 definitions]
nonproductive not producing work, goods, or the like; unproductive. [1/2 definitions]
submarginal not yielding a satisfactory return; infertile or unproductive. [1/3 definitions]
wastrel someone who is lazy or unproductive; loafer; good-for-nothing. [1/2 definitions]