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androsterone a male sex hormone, excreted in the urine of both males and females, and synthetically manufactured from cholesterol.
anuresis partial or total failure of the kidneys to produce and secrete urine, or blockage which inhibits normal urine excretion.
bladder an organ inside the body that collects urine. The bladder gets larger when it fills and smaller when it becomes empty.
catheter a thin, flexible, hollow tube inserted into a body passage or cavity to drain fluid, esp. urine from the bladder.
chamber pot a small, portable, pot-shaped receptacle for urine and other waste, usu. kept in a bedroom, esp. one that is some distance from a toilet.
continence ability to control the release of one's urine and feces. [1/2 definitions]
diabetes mellitus a chronic and potentially fatal form of diabetes characterized by insulin deficiency, excess sugar in the blood and urine, and abnormal thirst and hunger.
diuresis an increase in or excessive discharge of urine.
diuretic increasing the amount of urine secreted and discharged. [2 definitions]
enuresis involuntary release of urine, esp. while sleeping; incontinence.
estriol an estrogen hormone found in the ovaries and in the urine during a normal pregnancy. [1/2 definitions]
evacuate to excrete urine or feces. [1/5 definitions]
evacuation excretion of urine or feces. [1/3 definitions]
excreta substances that are excreted from the body, such as sweat and urine.
kidney one of a pair of organs in the body which remove water and waste products from the blood. The waste products go from the kidneys to the bladder in the form of urine. The kidneys are found high in the abdomen near the spine. [1/2 definitions]
micturate to give off urine from the body; urinate.
penis the male sex organ through which sperm is transferred to a female. The penis is also used to dispose of urine.
piss (vulgar) urine. [1/2 definitions]
porphyria a hereditary metabolic disorder characterized by the discharge of reddish urine and by extreme sensitivity to sunlight.
proteinuria the presence of excess protein in the urine.
pyuria the presence of pus in the urine.