a2 |
one; used to introduce one particular thing or person of a group or kind, but one which is not known to the listener or is not important to identify. [1/3 definitions] |
abacus |
a device used to make arithmetic calculations, consisting of a frame with parallel rods or grooves that hold movable counters such as beads. |
abortifacient |
a drug or other agent used to cause abortion. [1/2 definitions] |
abrasive |
something rough used to wear away or polish a surface. [1/2 definitions] |
accent |
a mark (' or `). Accents are used to show what parts of a word are to be said with more stress. [1/5 definitions] |
acclimate |
to become used to a new climate or situation. [2 definitions] |
accustom |
to cause to get used to something. |
acepromazine |
an oily orange compound used to immobilize large animals, to stop nausea, and to tranquilize. |
acetaminophen |
a drug used to relieve pain and reduce fever but which does not significantly reduce inflammation. |
acetanilide |
a white crystalline organic powder produced by the effect of acetic acid on aniline and used to relieve pain and fever. |
acetophenetidin |
a white powder or crystalline solid used to relieve fever and pain; phenacetin. |
acre |
a standard unit of area used to measure land. |
acrylic |
a kind of plastic used to make yarns, paint, and many other things. |
activated carbon |
a form of very porous and thus very absorbent carbon, produced by heating charcoal so as to empty out contained gases, and used to absorb other gases, recover solvents, deodorize, and the like; activated charcoal. |
adapt |
to become used to; adjust. [1/2 definitions] |
addition table |
a table that can be used to find the sum of two numbers. |
adjust |
to change in order to fit in; get used to. [1/2 definitions] |
adverb |
a word that describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb. Adverbs are also used to modify a whole sentence. |
after all |
used to remind the listener of an important fact or to ask the listener to consider this fact. [1/2 definitions] |
again |
used to emphasize an idea that one has earlier expressed in the same conversation, speech, or text. [1/5 definitions] |
agrochemical |
a chemical used to enhance the quality and increase the quantity of farm produce. [1/2 definitions] |