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Aberdeen Angus any of various hornless beef cattle originating in Scotland and having a smooth black coat.
about in various directions, or in no particular direction; here and there. [1/12 definitions]
acanthus any of various Mediterranean plants with large, spiny leaves. [1/2 definitions]
account an arrangement with a store or other business wherein a customer is given certain advantages or access to special services, typically in return for the customer supplying certain information and, often, permitting various forms of advertising through mail, email, or other form of communication. [1/16 definitions]
adder2 any of various similar poisonous or harmless snakes. [1/2 definitions]
adder's-tongue any of various ferns with a single sporeless leaflike frond and a slender spore-bearing spike or stalk that suggests a snake's tongue. [1/2 definitions]
adrenal gland either of two small glands of different shapes, located above the kidneys, that secrete adrenaline and various steroid hormones.
ad valorem of various taxes or customs duties, levied in proportion to the value of goods.
ageratum any of various low-growing, cultivated American plants of the aster family, with violet-blue or white flowers.
agrimony any of various related plants of the rose family that have compound feathery leaves and bear long clusters of small yellow flowers on spiky stalks, and a prickly fruit. [1/2 definitions]
air bladder an air-filled sac in various animals and plants, esp. such a structure located near the spine of certain fish that functions to maintain buoyancy by regulating hydrostatic pressure. (See swim bladder.)
airline a system of transportation by air offering scheduled flights between various points, or a business that owns and operates the equipment required by such a system. [1/2 definitions]
airplane any of various aircraft that are heavier than air and are driven by propellers or jet engines.
albumin any of a class of proteins soluble in water and coagulating in heat, found in egg white, blood, milk, and various plant and animal tissues.
alga any of various primitive, chiefly aquatic plants that have no roots, stems, or leaves, including the seaweeds and diatoms.
alkali metal any of a group of highly reactive chemical elements, such as sodium and potassium, that are typically univalent cations forming various compounds, but that can be isolated as soft, low-density metals.
alkaline-earth metal any of a group of highly reactive chemical elements, such as calcium and magnesium, that are typically divalent cations and form compounds with various other elements.
alkaloid any of various nitrogen-containing organic bases found in plants and from which drugs such as nicotine, quinine, and morphine are made.
allosaurus any of various large meat-eating dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
althorn any of various brass wind instruments in the alto or tenor range, esp. the altosaxhorn; alto horn.
alum any one of various double sulfates of a trivalent metal and a univalent metal. [1/2 definitions]