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Dictionary Suite
account to provide a count or tally, esp. of money spent and taken in (usually followed by "for"). [1/16 definitions]
accountable responsible for providing a credible and respectable explanation or justification, esp. of one's own actions (usu. fol. by "for" or "to"). [1/2 definitions]
accouter to provide with equipment, esp. military equipment.
accouterment (often pl.) one's outfit or equipment, esp. that of a soldier, exclusive of arms and uniform. [1/2 definitions]
accretion the process of gradual increase or growth, esp. by additions from the outside. [1/3 definitions]
accrue to grow or accumulate over time, esp. as something of benefit.
acellular composed of only one cell; unicellular (used esp. in reference to protozoans and ciliates). [1/2 definitions]
acetamide a colorless water-soluble crystalline solid used esp. in forming organic compounds.
acetylene a highly flammable colorless gas used esp. to cut and weld metal and to give light.
achievement something successfully carried through, esp. through bold or brave action or thought. [1/2 definitions]
acolyte a person who assists a clergyman in religious services, esp. Roman Catholic. [1/2 definitions]
acquire to come to possess, esp. gradually over time. [2 definitions]
acquirement the act of acquiring or attaining, esp. by learning. [1/2 definitions]
acquisitive having an eager desire to gain or possess, esp. material goods.
Acremonium the genus of fungi, formerly known as Cephalosporium, from which the antibiotic cephalosporin was originally isolated. Several species may cause disease in humans, esp. pneumonia.
act something done, esp. a specific instance; deed. [2/14 definitions]
actinomycosis an infectious disease of animals and humans that is caused by parasites and produces abscesses, esp. in the jaws.
action movie a film whose story line focuses on conflict and fast-paced activity, esp. involving physical violence, feats of strength and agility, and chase scenes.
active duty the status of full-time service or work, esp. in the military.
activism the belief in or practice of trying to make social or political changes through active, militant, or demonstrative involvement, esp. in particular issues.
act of God in law, a sudden unforeseen event, esp. a natural disaster such as an earthquake, flood, or tornado, that is caused entirely by forces of nature and could not have been prevented.