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addictive tending to cause one to become addicted. [1/3 definitions]
addle to cause to become confused or muddled. [2/4 definitions]
adhesion attachment, esp. to a principle or cause; loyalty; adherence. [1/4 definitions]
advocacy the giving of support to an idea, person, or cause.
advocate one who supports a cause. [1/4 definitions]
affect1 to influence, cause a change in, or have an impact on. [1/4 definitions]
afflict to cause physical or mental suffering to.
affliction a condition of pain or suffering, or the cause of such a state.
affright (archaic) the cause of fear. [1/3 definitions]
aflatoxin any of a group of toxic compounds produced by certain molds, esp. those in the genus Aspergillus. Consumption of food contaminated with these molds can cause liver disease and cancer.
aftereffect an effect that follows its cause after some period of time, such as a delayed effect caused by a medicine or exposure to chemicals.
afterglow the light, or the impression of light, that lingers after its source or cause is gone, as after a sunset. [1/2 definitions]
aftertaste a lingering sensation, usu. of taste, sometimes continuing after its cause is gone. [1/2 definitions]
age to cause or allow to grow old. [1/11 definitions]
agent a force or means by which something occurs or specific ends are reached; instrumentality; cause. [1/5 definitions]
Agent Orange an extremely toxic defoliant widely used by U.S. armed forces during the Vietnam War and now believed to cause cancer and birth defects.
aggrandize to make, or cause to appear, grander in wealth, stature, power, or influence; exalt. [1/2 definitions]
aggravation (informal) a thing or things that cause annoyance. [1/4 definitions]
aggrieve to distress or bring grief to; cause to suffer. [2 definitions]
agitate to cause to move briskly or with force. [1/3 definitions]
agitator one who incites unrest or controversy, esp. one who does so for pay or to further a political cause. [1/2 definitions]