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Dictionary Suite
B-29 a heavy U.S. bomber used late in World War II; Superfortress.
baby boom the dramatic population increase in the United States during the decade following World War II.
baby boomer a person born in the United States during the decade following World War II, in which the population increased dramatically.
bad guy (pl.; informal) the enemy in a war or other military engagement. [1/4 definitions]
battle fatigue severe mental distress or disorder resulting from combat in war; combat fatigue. (See shell shock.)
belligerence an act of war or hostility, or the carrying on of war; warfare. [1/2 definitions]
belligerency the position or status of a belligerent nation; condition of being at war. [1/2 definitions]
belligerent pertaining to war or to people or countries at war. [2/4 definitions]
blitz (cap.; prec. by "the") the bombing attacks on Britain carried out by the German air force in 1940 and 1941 during World War II. [1/4 definitions]
bluecoat one who wears a blue coat or uniform, esp. a police officer or a Union soldier in the U.S. Civil War.
booty1 riches or goods stolen or taken as plunder in war; loot. [1/2 definitions]
break out of a war or other violent conflict, to erupt; start. [1/5 definitions]
Bren gun a .303 caliber gas-operated submachine gun used by the British army in World War II.
buffer state a neutral country located between two potentially hostile countries and regarded as helping to discourage war.
cannon fodder soldiers that are considered expendable, replaceable material in war.
captive imprisoned or subjugated, as in war. [1/6 definitions]
carpetbagger a Northerner who went to the South to seek private gain in the aftermath of the American Civil War, usu. depicted as carrying his belongings in a carpetbag. [1/2 definitions]
casus belli (Latin) an event or occurrence that provokes or serves as a pretext to declare war.
cease-fire an order or signal to stop firing, as in war. [1/2 definitions]
Central Powers a World War I alliance of Germany and Austria-Hungary together with Turkey and Bulgaria.
civil defense emergency procedures and facilities organized by civilians for the protection of people and property in cases of flood, famine, war, or the like.