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coeval coinciding in time of origin or existence; contemporary. [1/2 definitions]
cognate having a common origin, as languages. [2/4 definitions]
cosmology the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature, origin, and development of the universe. [2 definitions]
cradle a birthplace or time of origin. [1/6 definitions]
creation science a form of creationism that opposes the scientific theory of evolution, holding that the origin of the universe as related in the Bible can be proved scientifically.
dashiki a loose, often brightly-colored tunic or pullover shirt of African origin.
dateline at the beginning of a news article, a line giving the place and usu. the date of its origin.
deduce to trace the derivation or origin of. [1/2 definitions]
dialect a language that is part of a group of languages sharing a common origin, or that is one of several varieties making up the language of a culture that has no single standard. [1/2 definitions]
distal located at a distance from the point of origin or attachment, as of a limb or bone. (Cf. proximal.)
door-to-door from point of origin to point of destination or return. [1/2 definitions]
earth science any of the sciences, such as geology, geography, or meteorology, dealing with the origin, structure, and composition of the earth and its changes.
emigrate to leave one country or region, usu. the country of origin, in order to settle in another.
epistemology the branch of philosophy dealing with the origin, nature, and limits of human knowledge. [1/2 definitions]
ethnic pertaining to the origin or classification of groups according to criteria such as culture, race, religion, nationality, or language. [1/3 definitions]
etiology the study or designation of causes, causation, or origin. [1/3 definitions]
etymology an account of the origin and development of a word and its meanings. [1/2 definitions]
exotic having a foreign origin or character. [2/3 definitions]
extraction a person's origin or lineage. [1/3 definitions]
facies in geology, the characteristics of a rock, such as appearance or composition, that distinguish it from others and indicate its origin.
family any group of things related in form, function, or origin. [1/8 definitions]