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cold having a body temperature below normal. [1/7 definitions]
complement a heat-sensitive substance in normal blood serum and plasma that, in combination with antibodies, destroys antigens. [1/7 definitions]
contrabass with a pitch an octave below the normal bass. [1/4 definitions]
cram to force entry beyond normal capacity; jam. [1/8 definitions]
dead lacking normal life functions; not alive. [1/16 definitions]
decompress gradually to return (a person such as a diver who has been under compression) to normal air pressure. [1/3 definitions]
degeneracy the process of declining, or condition of having declined, from an elevated position, or below a normal or desired state. [1/2 definitions]
degraded below normal standards; uncivilized or depraved. [1/2 definitions]
delta wave a low-frequency electric brain wave present during deep sleep in normal adults; delta rhythm.
deviate to cause to stray from normal or accepted behavior. [1/6 definitions]
diastole in physiology, the normal rhythmic expansion of the heart chambers, during which the chambers fill with blood. (Cf. systole.)
disinflation a decline of prices in general from an inflated to a more normal level. [1/2 definitions]
disorder to disturb the normal functions of, esp. to derange the physical or mental health of. [1/5 definitions]
distorted twisted or changed from a thing's normal shape, character, or way or behaving. [2 definitions]
diverticulum a tubular pouch or sac that branches out from a body canal, organ, or cavity, occurring as a normal or abnormal growth.
dopamine an intermediate product in the body's synthesis of many substances, such as melanin, and a neurotransmitter essential to normal nerve functioning.
double time a rate of overtime pay that is twice the normal rate or wage. [1/3 definitions]
dry lacking the normal or desired amount of moisture. [1/14 definitions]
dysphonia difficulty in making normal speech sounds, as because of hoarseness.
ectopic out of the normal place, as an organ of the body or a pregnancy.
encumber to hinder the normal progress, performance, or use of. [1/2 definitions]