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concessive of some words, such as "though," expressing concession. [1/2 definitions]
contraband during the American Civil War, a slave under the Confederacy who fled to or was taken into territory occupied by Union forces. Such fugitive slaves were, in a sense, free, in that they were not returned by the Union to Confederate slave owners. Instead, however, they were declared captured enemy war materials, or "contraband of war." Thousands of contrabands worked as paid, though exploited, laborers for the Union. [1/5 definitions]
crash1 a noise caused by or sounding as though caused by such an occurrence. [1/17 definitions]
crawl to be or feel as though one is covered by crawling things. [1/7 definitions]
crest to top with, or as though with, a crest. [1/7 definitions]
crib to confine in, or as though in, a crib. [1/12 definitions]
disgorge to bring up from, or as though from, the mouth or throat; vomit; expel. [1/3 definitions]
disperse to cause to disappear, as though by being driven away; dispel. [1/5 definitions]
disseminate to spread widely, as though scattering seed.
dissipate to cause to disappear by, or as though by, dispersing or dissolving. [3/4 definitions]
distillation that which is produced by, or as though by, this process. [1/2 definitions]
dogmatic asserting beliefs and opinions as though they were proven facts. [1/2 definitions]
dogmatism an inclination toward or the act of asserting opinions as though they were facts.
dogmatist one who asserts opinions or beliefs as though they were facts.
dot to mark with or as though with a dot or dots. [1/10 definitions]
embellish to improve by, or as though by, decorations; decorate. [1/2 definitions]
embody to provide with, or as though with, a body; incarnate. [1/3 definitions]
encapsulate to condense, as though to fit into a capsule. [1/2 definitions]
encase to enclose in, or as though in, a case.
enchain to bind or restrain with, or as though with, chains. [1/2 definitions]
encrust to cover with, or as though with, a crust.