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double sharp a musical sign placed before a note, indicating that its pitch is to be raised by two semitones.
drop (someone) a line to write a brief letter or note to (someone).
e the third note in the musical scale of C major. [1/2 definitions]
eighth note in music, a note given one-eighth the time value of a whole note; quaver.
extraordinary especially worthy of note; remarkable. [1/2 definitions]
f the fourth note in the musical scale of C major. [1/3 definitions]
fermata either of a pair of musical signs placed over or under a note, indicating a tone or rest longer than its value expresses. [1/2 definitions]
figure a person of note. [1/10 definitions]
footnote a note at the bottom of a page or the end of a chapter that explains a part of the main text.
forte2 a musical passage or note to be played loudly and forcefully. [1/3 definitions]
fortissimo a musical note, chord, or passage to be played very loudly or forcefully. [1/3 definitions]
fret3 one of the ridges set across the neck of a stringed instrument such as a guitar or lute to mark where the fingers should press the strings for each note.
fundamental of a musical chord, having its lowest note as the basis or root. [1/4 definitions]
g2 the fifth note in the musical scale of C major. [1/2 definitions]
glide in music, a passing without pause or break from one note to another. [1/9 definitions]
gloss2 an explanatory note, such as a translation of an unusual, foreign, or technical expression, placed between the lines or in the margin of a text or manuscript. [1/3 definitions]
gold certificate a certificate or note representing a share of the U.S. gold reserve, formerly issued to and redeemable by the public, but now issued only to Federal Reserve Banks.
grace note a note in music that is essential neither to the harmony nor the melody but rather is added for ornamentation.
half note a musical note sustained for half the duration of a whole note.
hemidemisemiquaver in music, a sixty-fourth note.
hollow of a sound, dull or deep, like the note made by striking on a large, empty container. [1/10 definitions]