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Dictionary Suite
exploded view a photograph, drawing, illustration, or diagram that displays the individual parts of a mechanism separately but indicates their proper relationship.
fail-safe protected against failure or breakdown, as by a compensatory or back-up mechanism that begins to function automatically in an emergency. [2/5 definitions]
feed a mechanism that supplies something to a process. [1/13 definitions]
flasher a mechanism that causes an electric light to go on and off automatically. [1/2 definitions]
flintlock an obsolete gun mechanism in which a flint strikes steel, making a spark that ignites the priming powder. [2 definitions]
forward the state of a mechanism that causes forward movement, esp. a gear in an automobile transmission. (Cf. reverse.) [1/13 definitions]
freewheel to continue in motion with the wheels detached from the driving mechanism; coast. [1/4 definitions]
freewheeling pertaining to, working like, or equipped with a device that disengages the driving mechanism, as on the rear wheel of a bicycle or in the clutch of an automobile. [1/2 definitions]
gunlock the mechanism in some firearms by which the charge is exploded.
mainspring the principal spring in a mechanism such as a timepiece, that provides motive force by uncoiling. [1/2 definitions]
mechanical advantage the ratio of the output force exerted by a mechanism to the input force applied to it, used to rate the performance of a machine.
mechanics the technical or automatic aspects or parts of a thing or activity; mechanism or routine. [1/3 definitions]
mimetic relating to, showing, or characterized by mimicry, often as a protective biological mechanism.
player piano an automatic piano that plays by means of a perforated paper roll that signals a pneumatic mechanism to depress the keys.
pullback a mechanism designed to pull something back or keep it from moving forward. [1/2 definitions]
recall a mechanism by which government officials can be removed from office by the voters. [1/6 definitions]
reverse the state of a mechanism that brings about reverse movement, esp. a gear of an automobile transmission. (Cf. forward.) [1/15 definitions]
Rube Goldberg designating a very complicated mechanism contrived to perform a simple task.
safety a locking mechanism, as on a gun, to prevent accidental harm or injury. [1/4 definitions]
screwdriver a tool for turning a screw, consisting of a shank that fits the head of the screw and a handle or mechanism for turning the shank. [1/2 definitions]
self-winding of a watch or clock, wound automatically by an internal mechanism.