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fist a hand with the fingers bent under tight.
flection the act of bending or flexing, or the condition of being bent or flexed. [2/4 definitions]
flexibility the capability of bending easily, or being bent easily, and not breaking.
flexible easily bent without breaking. [1/2 definitions]
flexure the condition of being bent. [1/3 definitions]
fold1 a section that has been bent back over another; pleat. [1/8 definitions]
gnarled bent and twisted; crooked. [1/2 definitions]
hammertoe a deformity of the toe in which the second and third joints are permanently bent downward, or a toe so deformed.
hook a short swinging blow or punch, made by a boxer with a bent arm. [2/10 definitions]
hunch to be or move in an arched or bent position. [1/7 definitions]
inductile not easily bent or shaped.
inflexible not able to be bent, or not easy to bend; stiff. [1/3 definitions]
knee something that looks like a bent knee. [1/3 definitions]
lean1 to rest against something in a bent position. [1/4 definitions]
lop-eared having bent or drooping ears.
lunge a muscle strengthening and stretching exercise in which one leg is bent at the knee at a ninety-degree angle and the other is straight, or somewhat bent, and stretched toward the rear or to the side. [1/3 definitions]
lute a stringed instrument that has a bent neck and a body shaped like a pear.
macaroni any of variously shaped, dried pasta noodles made from flour and water, esp. the short, bent, hollow tubes; elbow macaroni.
paper clip a piece of wire bent back on itself that holds papers together.
pliable easily bent; flexible; malleable. [1/3 definitions]
reclinate bent towards the base, as the leaf or stem of a plant.