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flatter2 a die plate with a flat opening, used to form flat metal strips, esp. in watchmaking. [1/3 definitions]
freeze to die of intense cold. [2/17 definitions]
give up the ghost to lose one's life; die.
go1 to stop functioning; fail; die. [1/28 definitions]
gone dead or about to die. [1/9 definitions]
hang to die by hanging. [1/17 definitions]
hangman the person who hangs those condemned to die by hanging; executioner.
heaven in many religions, a place where God is and where people go after they die if they have been good people on earth.
hell a place that some people believe exists. It is where evil spirits live and where bad people are punished after they die.
kick the bucket (slang, sometimes offensive) of a person, to die.
kill1 to cause to die.
life-support system a system of equipment, esp. in a hospital, that keeps a person alive when he or she might otherwise die. [1/2 definitions]
martyr a person who chooses to die or be killed rather than give up his or her religion. [1/2 definitions]
mortal not living forever; having to die some day. [1/5 definitions]
mortality the quality or state of being destined to die. [1/3 definitions]
on (one's) last legs having very little energy, strength, hope, or ability to go on; likely to collapse or die.
overdose to become very sick or die from taking too much of a drug. [1/2 definitions]
pass to stop living; die. [1/14 definitions]
pass away used as a polite expression for die.
pass on (polite) to die; pass away. [1/3 definitions]
perish to die by violence or in some other sudden way.