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gamma ray electromagnetic radiation of high energy and frequency, produced by reactions of radioactive atoms or by high energy electrons interacting with matter.
Hertzian wave an electromagnetic wave, such as a radio wave, produced when electricity is oscillated in a conductor.
inductor a device that generates an electromotive force in an electric circuit by electromagnetic induction; coil. [1/2 definitions]
infrared the invisible electromagnetic radiation next to and longer in wavelength than those of the visible red end of the spectrum. [1/2 definitions]
intensity in physics, degree of strength of energy, esp. electromagnetic energy. [1/4 definitions]
interference the combining of electromagnetic waves so that a disturbance is produced, such as an unclear radio signal. [1/4 definitions]
irradiation emission of electromagnetic radiation, or the state of being exposed to such radiation. [1/2 definitions]
light1 electromagnetic radiation, esp. from the sun, that enables one to see objects. [1/13 definitions]
long wave a low-frequency electromagnetic wave, usu. a radio wave that is longer than one thousand meters and below three hundred kilohertz in frequency.
maser a device that amplifies electromagnetic waves and concentrates them at a single microwave frequency (acronym for "microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation").
mass spectrometer an instrument used to determine the mass and abundance of charged particles in a prepared beam, by passing it through an electromagnetic field and electronically recording the distribution of particles, often for the purpose of chemical analysis.
microwave any extremely high-frequency electromagnetic wave whose wavelength is between one millimeter and one meter. [1/2 definitions]
microwave oven an oven that cooks or heats food or beverages quickly using high-frequency electromagnetic radiation.
modulate to vary the frequency, amplitude, phase, or the like of (an electromagnetic wave). [2/6 definitions]
modulation variation of the frequency, amplitude, phase, or the like of an electromagnetic wave. [1/3 definitions]
photoelectron an electron whose emission from a substance is induced by the absorption of electromagnetic radiation such as visible light.
photoemission the emission of photoelectrons from a surface, esp. a metallic one, induced by the absorption of electromagnetic radiation such as visible light.
photomultiplier an electronic device that detects and amplifies electromagnetic radiation, esp. in the visible range; photomultiplier tube.
photomultiplier tube an electronic device that detects and amplifies electromagnetic radiation, esp. in the visible range; photomultiplier.
photon the fundamental unit of electromagnetic energy with zero mass, no electrical charge, and a spin of one, usu. regarded as an elementary particle.
pickup a device for receiving sound or electromagnetic waves. [1/5 definitions]