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half gainer a dive in which the diver, facing forward, executes half of a backward somersault, thus entering the water headfirst and facing the diving board.
head-on frontally opposed or facing, or meeting head-to-head or front-to-front, as in a conflict or collision. [2/3 definitions]
hemitrope a compound crystal composed of two or more parts or crystals facing each other.
Indian wrestling a wrestling contest in which two people lie on their backs side by side, but facing in opposite directions, raise and lock their respective near legs, and attempt to force the opponent's leg to the ground. [2/3 definitions]
inside out with the inner surface facing out.
inside-out having the inner surface facing outwards.
introrse in botany, facing inward; turned toward the center. (Cf. extrorse.)
landau a four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage with wide facing seats, each having its own collapsible roof. [1/2 definitions]
landward facing, situated, or directed toward the land. [1/2 definitions]
north the direction to the left of a person facing the rising sun.
northeast from, toward, or facing the northeast. [1/4 definitions]
northeastward in, at, facing, or moving toward the northeast. [1/3 definitions]
northward in, at, facing, or moving toward the north. [1/2 definitions]
northwest from, toward, or facing the northwest. [1/4 definitions]
northwestward in, at, facing, or moving toward the northwest. [1/3 definitions]
obverse of a side or surface, turned toward or facing the observer. [1/5 definitions]
opposite on the side that is across from another; facing. [2/4 definitions]
parade rest a position, used in the military, in which the feet are held twelve inches apart, the hands are clasped behind the back, and the head is held erect and facing ahead.
pew a church bench with a back and arms at the ends. Pews are arranged in rows facing the front of the church.
port2 the left side of a ship or airplane when facing forward.
provost marshal a naval officer responsible for prisoners facing court-martial. [1/2 definitions]