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hostage someone held prisoner by one person or group in an attempt to persuade or force another person or group to satisfy certain conditions or meet certain demands.
iron lung a large metal chamber in which the body can be enclosed up to the neck, that maintains artificial respiration by means of alternating pulses of high and low pressure, used esp. for polio victims.
Komodo Dragon a carnivorous lizard of the monitor family found in Indonesia and, growing up to ten feet long, the largest species of lizard in the world.
Laffer Curve a graph illustrating the theory that increasing taxes results in increased government revenue only up to a certain point, after which further tax increases discourage production and investment.
leverage in finance, the degree of ability of a person, company, or group to increase the percentage of return on an investment or investments through borrowing. [1/5 definitions]
maverick a person who thinks and behaves independently, esp. one who refuses to adhere to the orthodoxy of the group to which he or she belongs. [1/2 definitions]
military coup the sudden and forceful attempt of a military group to seize state power; coup d'état.
minibus a small bus, usu. with seats for up to twelve passengers.
Old Latin the Latin language up to about 75 B.C., as found in written records.
out of date not up to current standards, or not containing the newest information, figures, theories, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
overhaul to catch up to; overtake, as in a race. [1/3 definitions]
politics the use of strategic maneuvering within a group to obtain power or control. [1/4 definitions]
present perfect a verb tense that indicates that an action or state has been completed at some indefinite time up to the present, as in "I have lived in four countries". [1/2 definitions]
refresher course a course serving as a review of material previously studied, esp. to bring knowledge or professional skills up to date.
renegade someone who deserts a religion, cause, or group to follow another; traitor. [1/3 definitions]
sect a small group, esp. a religious group, that is considered by society or by a larger group to be unorthodox. [1/2 definitions]
separatist one who advocates or participates in the separation of a political, religious, or racial group from a larger group to which it has belonged.
short not up to a standard. [2/16 definitions]
sideman a musician, esp. in a jazz band, who provides backup to a soloist.
so far up to this point; up to the present moment.
sour not up to the usual standard; poor. [1/10 definitions]