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invest to spend with the intention of gaining some benefit. [1/4 definitions]
jolly (informal) to act cheerfully toward (someone), esp. for one's own benefit. [1/4 definitions]
lapse the termination of a benefit or warranty, because of nonpayment of premiums or expiration of the contracted period of coverage. [2/9 definitions]
leave1 to allow to remain for the use or benefit of another. [1/10 definitions]
manna an unexpected benefit; windfall. [1/3 definitions]
medicable able to benefit from medicine; treatable or curable.
nutritional pertaining to the consumption of foods or specific food substances that benefit one's health. [1/3 definitions]
opportunity a chance that makes something possible or that may bring about some benefit. [1/2 definitions]
owe to have or feel an obligation to do or give (something) for the benefit of another. [1/4 definitions]
parasitism the relationship between a parasite and its host, involving benefit to the parasite and harm to the host. [1/2 definitions]
pension a sum of money paid regularly by the government or a former employer as a retirement or disability benefit. [1/4 definitions]
perk3 (informal) a privilege or benefit, as of a high rank or position; perquisite.
perquisite a payment or benefit in addition to the wages or salary associated with a position. [1/2 definitions]
petition a formal request that is usu. written, often signed by many people, and addressed to an authority that is empowered to grant some right or benefit. [1/7 definitions]
plus a benefit or gain; positive factor. [1/7 definitions]
pool2 a grouping of businesses or individuals for the purpose of combining resources and deriving common benefit from their association. [1/7 definitions]
pork barrel (informal) a government bill or appropriation specifically designed to benefit a particular locale or industry in order to ingratiate legislators with their constituents.
privilege a right, immunity, benefit, or advantage belonging or granted exclusively to a person, group, social class, rank, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
profit a benefit or gain. [2/5 definitions]
public works buildings, pipelines, highways, and the like that are built and maintained at public expense for public use or benefit.
reap to obtain (a benefit) as a result of something. [1/3 definitions]