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life-support system a system of equipment, esp. in a hospital, that keeps a person alive when he or she might otherwise die. [1/2 definitions]
might've contracted form of "might have."
no matter what regardless of the cost or of what might happen.
no thanks to without the help of (a source from which help might have been expected).
passive receiving an action without acting in return, or being unresponsive to something that affects or might be expected to affect one directly. [1/6 definitions]
possibility something that might exist or occur. [1/3 definitions]
precipitate to cause to occur suddenly or sooner than might have been expected or planned; hasten. [1/11 definitions]
puissance great strength or power; might.
rain or shine whatever might happen. [1/2 definitions]
sacrifice to allow to be sold or destroyed regardless of losses that might be incurred. [1/11 definitions]
Saint Agnes's Eve the night of January 20, on which, according to an old superstition, a woman might have a vision of her future husband.
scrap1 an accumulation of discarded materials, esp. of metal, that might be salvaged or reprocessed. [1/6 definitions]
set up to arrange for (two people) to meet so that they might become romantically involved, or to arrange for (one person) to meet another for the same purpose. [1/6 definitions]
sticking point an issue or point that causes or might cause a deadlock of discussion, activity, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
stodgy lacking the ability or inclination to act informally or to find humor or enjoyment in things that others might; stuffy; prim. [1/3 definitions]
suggestion that which is verbally offered as something that might be possible, useful, helpful, or enjoyable. [1/6 definitions]
think ahead to consider carefully or plan for what might happen in the future.
threaten to announce as an action that one might take, such action being considered one that would have an adverse effect on oneself or others. [1/7 definitions]
unexpurgated of a book or other publication, retaining material that might be considered offensive by some readers; uncensored.
unsuspecting having no expectation or suspicion that something might occur.
violent involving intentional force that causes or might cause injury. [1/6 definitions]