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Maypole a high pole wreathed with flowers and ribbons around which merrymakers dance to celebrate May Day or another of the holidays of spring or summer.
midnight sun the sun as it is seen at midnight during summer in the arctic and antarctic regions.
midsummer the middle part of summer. [1/2 definitions]
monsoon the seasonal wind system of the Indian Ocean, blowing from the southwest in the summer and the northeast in the winter. [1/2 definitions]
pattypan a round flattish type of summer squash that has a scalloped edge.
red deer a deer of Europe and Asia with a reddish summer coat.
rose fever a form of hay fever that occurs in spring or early summer as an allergic reaction to rose pollen.
Sagitta a summer constellation in the northern sky, located between Aquila and Cygnus; Arrow.
Sagittarius a summer zodiacal constellation located between Scorpius and Capricornus and within the brightest part of the Milky Way; Archer. [1/3 definitions]
school year the annual period from the beginning of a school's classes, usu. in late summer, to the end of classes and examinations, usu. in late spring.
Scorpius a summer zodiacal constellation located between Libra and Sagittarius and containing the bright, reddish star Antares; Scorpion.
season one of the four distinct periods of the year; spring, summer, fall, or winter. [1/8 definitions]
snowshoe hare a large hare of northern North America that has broad feet and fur that is white in winter and brown in summer; snowshoe rabbit.
spring a season of the year between winter and summer, in the northern hemisphere continuing from the March equinox to the June solstice. [1/22 definitions]
stoat the European ermine, esp. when in its brown summer coat.
straw-hat of, designating, or relating to a summer theater or summer theaters located in rural or suburban areas.
summer the warmest season of the year, falling between spring and autumn. In the northern hemisphere, summer lasts from the June solstice to the September equinox. [5/8 definitions]
summerhouse a small building or structure, such as a gazebo, located in a park, garden, or the like and meant to provide shade, esp. during a summer day.
summerize to make ready for or protect from the heat of summer.
summer school a high school or college session conducted during the summer.
summer theater a theater that presents plays during the summer.