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picket a pointed post fixed into the ground, used to make a fence or hold something in place. [1/3 definitions]
picket fence a fence made of pointed upright pales or slats set fairly close together and often painted white.
post1 a pole or stake placed in the ground to serve as a marker, or for supporting a fence or other structure. [1/6 definitions]
rail1 a long bar of wood, metal, or some other material that is attached to two posts as part of a fence. [1/2 definitions]
railing a long bar that connects posts and is used as a fence or for safety.
refence combined form of fence.
snow fence a temporary fence of thin slats joined by wire, used to control drifting snow.
spike1 a sharply pointed projection as on armor, a weapon, or the top of a fence post. [1/9 definitions]
stake1 a sharpened or pointed post designed to be driven into the ground, as for a marker or support, or part of a fence. [1/6 definitions]
stile a set or series of steps for climbing over a fence or wall.
stockade a fence for defense made of upright posts. [1/2 definitions]
straddle to have one leg on each side of (a horse, fence, line, or the like); be astride. [1/8 definitions]
weir a fence, as of brush, set in a stream to catch fish. [1/2 definitions]
windbreak a hedge, fence, row of trees, or the like that serves as a shelter from the wind.