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Dictionary Suite
pitcher1 a vessel, usu. with a handle and spout, used to contain and pour liquids, esp. for drinking. [1/2 definitions]
pitcher plant any of various plants bearing slippery, pitcherlike leaves that contain enzymes to digest trapped insects.
pneumoencephalogram an x-ray of the spaces in the brain that contain fluid, after the replacement of the cerebrospinal fluid by air or gas.
pocketful the amount that a pocket will contain.
potful the greatest amount that a pot can contain. [1/2 definitions]
ribosome any of various small particles in the cytoplasm of a cell that contain RNA and are active in protein synthesis.
santonica the dried, unopened flowers of this plant, which contain santonin. [1/2 definitions]
spaghetti a form of pasta made in long, thin strings. Spaghetti is often served with a sauce that may contain meat or tomatoes.
sweet roll a round, sweet bread that is served as a single portion and usually eaten as a breakfast food. Sweet rolls may contain cinnamon, raisins, nuts, or other flavorings and may be topped with icing.
temple1 any person, place, or thing thought to contain a divine presence. [1/4 definitions]
thiazine any of several chemical compounds whose molecules contain a ring of one atom each of sulfur and nitrogen and four carbon atoms.
threatening containing, or appearing to contain, a threat of harm. [1/2 definitions]
tomb a structure built to contain the remains of, or to memorialize, one or more dead persons; mausoleum. [1/3 definitions]
torah the sacred scrolls that contain the first five books of the Bible. Parts of the Torah are read during religious services. [1/2 definitions]
vaccine a substance used to protect people and animals from very serious diseases. Vaccines contain germs of a particular disease--these germs been killed or changed in a certain way in a laboratory to make them safe. A vaccine goes into a person's body in a shot that is given by a doctor or nurse. After a vaccine is put into a person's body, that person will not get that disease or will get only a mild case.