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plaster of Paris any of several white gypsum powders that form a paste and harden quickly when added to water, and are used for making casts, molds, and sculpture.
Plasticine trademark for a claylike oil-base paste used for modeling.
Spackle trademark for a powder that forms a paste when mixed with water, used to smooth out wall cracks, holes, and the like before papering, painting, or other finishing work. [1/2 definitions]
stick2 to attach or fix with tape, paste, or other adhesive. [1/19 definitions]
tilak a religious mark, usu. of colored sandalwood paste, worn on the forehead by Hindus.
toothpaste a paste used to clean the teeth.
Turkish delight a candy consisting of jellylike cubes of fruit juice dusted with powdered sugar; Turkish paste.
wafer a thin disk of adhesive material, such as gelatin or dried paste, used to seal or attach papers or the like. [1/6 definitions]
wax1 a paste or mixture containing wax that is used to polish a smooth hard surface. [1/5 definitions]