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postulate to assume as a basic premise; treat as a given. [1/7 definitions]
posture to assume an artificial or phony physical or mental attitude in order to create an effect. [1/6 definitions]
premise to state or assume as a premise, as in an argument or legal proceeding. [2/5 definitions]
presume to take as a matter of fact without questioning or without proof; take for granted; assume. [1/4 definitions]
reassume combined form of assume.
spread-eagle to assume a position with the arms and legs outspread. [1/3 definitions]
stand to assume or maintain an erect position of the body while having one's weight on one's feet (often fol. by "up"). [1/25 definitions]
strike to assume or take on. [1/31 definitions]
suppose to assume (something) as true for the sake of argument or illustration. [2/4 definitions]
take charge to assume power over and responsibility for something or someone (often fol. by "of").
take for granted to accept (something) as true without thinking to question it; utterly assume; feel completely confident. [1/2 definitions]
tone to assume a particular tone or color. [1/10 definitions]
understand to assume agreement; take as settled. [1/9 definitions]
underwrite to assume financial responsibility or assure financial support for. [3/8 definitions]