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pro1 a factor, argument, vote, or the like in favor of something. (Cf. con1.) [1/3 definitions]
public opinion the collective or general opinion of a people, esp. as a deciding factor in the creation of social policy or in actions of a political nature.
quadruplicate multiplied or increased by a factor of four; quadruple. [1/5 definitions]
quintuple multiplied or increased by a factor of five. [1/4 definitions]
quintuplicate having been multiplied or increased by a factor of five. [2/5 definitions]
race1 any competitive process, esp. one in which timing or speed is a factor. [1/8 definitions]
Rh negative lacking the Rh factor in the red blood cells.
Rh positive having the Rh factor in the red blood cells.
take into account to consider, esp. as an important factor in making a judgment.
tempered adjusted or moderated by the addition of another substance or factor. [1/3 definitions]