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public school in the US, an elementary, middle, or high school that is free and supported by people's taxes. [1/2 definitions]
quart in the US, a unit of capacity equal to two pints or 0.9464 liter in liquid measure and two pints or 1.101 liters in dry measure. (abbr.: qt.) [1/3 definitions]
reception a British word for the place where you report your arrival and are greeted at a hotel or office. A "reception" is usually called a "reception desk" in the US. [1/6 definitions]
-'s1 shortened form of "us".
saliva a liquid produced by glands in the mouth that helps us to chew and digest food. Saliva has no color or taste.
tablespoon in the US, a unit of capacity equal to one half fluid ounce, three teaspoons, or about fifteen milliliters, used in cooking. (abbr.: tbs.) [1/4 definitions]
teaspoon in the US, a unit of capacity equal to one and a third fluid drams or about five milliliters, used in cooking. (abbr.: tsp.) [1/4 definitions]