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PX abbreviation of "post exchange," trademark for a retail store on U.S. Army property that sells goods and services to military personnel and their families, and to some civilians.
retail in the quantity or at the price customary in the retail trade. [2/6 definitions]
sales slip a receipt from a retail store.
sales tax a tax on retail sales, usu. set at a fixed percentage of the sale price and paid by the consumer.
shop a small retail store. [1/4 definitions]
shopper one who shops at retail for another person or a business. [1/4 definitions]
sticker price the retail price designated by the manufacturer, as for a new automobile, which is customarily discounted before sale.
storekeeper a person who owns or operates a retail shop or small store. [1/2 definitions]
tobacconist one who sells tobacco products at retail, esp. pipe tobaccos.
tradesman a man employed in trade, esp. retail; dealer.
trading stamp a stamp given as a premium to a retail customer that can be accumulated with other such stamps and traded in specified quantities for specified merchandise.
variety store a retail store that sells a wide variety of items, esp. small and inexpensive ones.