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ratbite fever either of two infectious diseases transmitted by the bites of rats or other animals, one characterized by inflammation, back and joint pains, headache, and vomiting, and the other by a purplish rash, recurrent fever, and ulceration near the bite.
rat mite a widespread mite carried by rats that can transmit typhus to humans or cause inflammation of the skin by its bite.
snakebite the bite of a snake, esp. a venomous one, or the effects it produces.
snap a quick and sudden try to grab or bite. [1/21 definitions]
snappish apt to snap or bite, as an animal. [1/2 definitions]
tarantula any of several related large American spiders, found mainly in tropical regions, that have hairy legs and a poisonous but not fatal bite. [1/2 definitions]
tick fever any infectious fever, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, transmitted to humans by the bite of a tick.
truffle a bite-sized piece of rich chocolate candy, often flavored with extra sweetening or liqueurs. [1/2 definitions]
venomous producing venom; able to inflict a poisonous bite or sting. [1/2 definitions]
yakitori a Japanese dish consisting of bite-sized pieces of marinated meat, usu. chicken, that is placed on skewers with vegetable pieces and grilled.