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Dictionary Suite
ripple the act or result of rippling; small or slight undulation, wave, or agitation. [1/5 definitions]
simmer down to become calmer after some agitation or excitement. [1/2 definitions]
snit a condition of anger or agitation; fit (usu. prec. by "in" or "into").
stew a state of agitation, worry, or annoyance. [1/6 definitions]
stir up to cause excitement or agitation in (a person or group); ignite. [1/2 definitions]
tear1 (pl.) weeping, or great joy, sadness, or agitation. [1/4 definitions]
tranquil free from turmoil, disruption, noise, or agitation; calm, steady, or peaceful.
tremor a sensation or state of anxiety or agitation. [1/4 definitions]
tumult great mental or emotional agitation or confusion. [1/3 definitions]
turbulent in a state of agitation, unrest, or turmoil. [1/3 definitions]
turmoil a state of great agitation, disturbance, or confused excitement; commotion; tumult.
unquiet characterized by agitation, turbulence, disorder, or unrest. [2/3 definitions]
upset a perturbed or irritated physical or emotional state; agitation. [1/13 definitions]
yeast something that causes agitation or accelerated activity. [1/4 definitions]
yeasty in a state of agitation; restless. [1/4 definitions]