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Dictionary Suite
scavenger hunt a game in which persons or teams are sent out to acquire various items without buying them, the winner being whoever does so first.
scout a person, ship, plane, or the like sent ahead to acquire information, esp. in a war zone. [2/8 definitions]
secure to obtain; acquire. [1/10 definitions]
seek to try to acquire or obtain. [1/4 definitions]
slide to acquire a habit or reach a condition gradually. [1/14 definitions]
take on to adopt or acquire (something that makes a change in a person or thing). [1/5 definitions]
unsaturated of an organic compound, containing at least one double or triple bond, and therefore able to acquire additional atoms or groups by direct combination. [1/2 definitions]
wrinkle1 to form or acquire wrinkles. [1/5 definitions]