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Dictionary Suite
Star Chamber (often l.c.) any similarly unjust or severe tribunal, investigating committee, or group empowered to judge. [1/2 definitions]
steering committee a committee that determines the schedule and business agenda of a legislative body or the like.
subcommittee a committee appointed or delegated, usu. for some limited or special purpose, from the membership of the main committee.
task force any group or committee assembled to carry out a specific task or solve a specific problem. [1/2 definitions]
United States House Committee on Rules a powerful committee of the U.S. House of Representatives that determines when and how new legislation will be considered by House members. The committee is often referred to as Rules Committee or House Rules Committee.
United States Senate Committee on Rules and Administration the committee of the U.S. Senate responsible for overseeing matters relating to rules and procedures in the Senate, federal elections, U.S. presidential succession, qualifications of Senate members, corrupt government practices, and the administration of Senate office buildings. The committee is often referred to as Senate Rules Committee.
vestry in the Anglican and Episcopal churches, a lay committee that manages the temporal affairs of the church, or a meeting of this committee or of the congregation. [1/3 definitions]
World Heritage Site any of over 800 sites identified on a list maintained by the World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a site of natural splendor or cultural significance that should be protected and preserved.