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sweat to exude moisture. [4/18 definitions]
thirsty needing water or moisture; dry; arid. [1/4 definitions]
wax paper a translucent wrapping paper that has been coated with paraffin to make it moisture-proof.
weather the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as characterized by sunshine, moisture, temperature, precipitation, and other variables. [1/7 definitions]
wet dampness; moisture. [1/11 definitions]
wetland (often pl.) low-lying land saturated with moisture, such as a marsh or swamp.
wilt any of several disorders, such as disease or moisture shortage, that cause a plant's parts to become wilted. [1/5 definitions]
wipe to remove (dirt, moisture, or the like) by so doing (usu. fol. by "away," "off," "out," or "up"). [1/7 definitions]
wither to dry up, shrivel, or wilt, as from decay or lack of moisture. [1/5 definitions]