Dictionary Suite



d lI v ri [or] d lIv ri
Word Combinations (noun)
part of speech: noun
inflections: deliveries
definition 1: an act of conveying or transporting.
The furniture store offers free delivery to its customers.
similar words:
mail, transport
definition 2: the handing over or surrender of something.
Upon our satisfactory inspection of the premises and your delivery of the keys to our office, your responsibility will end.
definition 3: the act of retrieving or rescuing.
Delivery from hardship came slowly for most people after the war.He prayed for delivery from his captors.
similar words:
relief, rescue
definition 4: the act of giving birth.
She had an easy delivery with her second child.
similar words:
definition 5: the act of helping to give birth.
The midwife had one delivery yesterday and another this morning.
definition 6: the manner in which speech or a song is uttered.
That young actor's delivery was so powerful that all the critics remarked on it.She has a wonderful singing voice, but she needs to work on her delivery.
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