Dictionary Suite


parts of speech:
intransitive verb, transitive verb, noun
hop in
Word Combinations (verb, noun), Word Explorer
part of speech: intransitive verb
inflections: hops, hopping, hopped
definition 1: to make a short, springy leap or series of leaps.
The rabbit hopped across the yard and then disappeared.
bound, leap
similar words:
frisk, jump, skip, spring
definition 2: to jump or skip on one foot only.
In this race, the children hop to the finish line.
similar words:
jump, skip
part of speech: transitive verb
definition 1: to jump or leap over with a quick, springy motion.
He hopped the barricade.
jump, leap
similar words:
clear, vault
definition 2: (informal) to get aboard (a commercial vehicle such as an airplane or taxi), esp. in haste; jump aboard.
When she heard the good news, she hopped a plane to Chicago to be at the wedding.
board, catch
similar words:
embark, jump
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: hop in
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a short, springy leap or jump, esp. on one foot.
The frog took a few hops and landed in the water.
similar words:
bound, jump, leap, skip, spring
definition 2: (informal) a short or quick trip, esp. by airplane.
We'll take a quick hop over to one of the other islands while we're in Hawaii.
similar words:
flight, jaunt, run, trip
definition 3: (informal) an informal school dance.
My grandparents met a school hop when they were sixteen.
similar words:
dance, party
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
Word Explorer
  amphibian, animal, dance, foot