Dictionary Suite



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parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb
Word Combinations (verb), Word History, Word Builder, Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: illustrates, illustrating, illustrated
definition 1: to explain or clarify by giving examples or presenting a visual representation.
My father always used examples from his own life experience to illustrate his point.The gym teacher illustrated how the move should be done by demonstrating it herself.The drawing on the opposite page helped illustrate the concept.
demonstrate, exemplify
similar words:
clarify, delineate, elucidate, evince, exhibit, explain, explicate, illuminate, manifest, present, represent, show
definition 2: to provide pictures or drawings for (a book, story, or other work).
The artist illustrated the book with very detailed drawings.
See a movie for this meaning
similar words:
delineate, depict, draw, embellish, illuminate, portray, represent, sketch
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition: to make something clear with examples.
Your last point isn't clear to me; could you please illustrate?
similar words:
elucidate, explain
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivation: illustrated (adj.)
Word History
Illustrate comes from a Latin word that means "light up." The words "luster" and "lustrous" come from related Latin words.
Word Builder: illustrate +
  • illustrated:
    having pictures.
Word Explorer
  art, education
Word PartsSubscriber feature About this feature