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parts of speech:
adjective, noun
Word Combinations (adjective, noun), Homophone Note, Word Explorer
part of speech: adjective
inflections: sorer, sorest
definition 1: feeling physical pain; hurting.
You will probably be sore after your first time on horseback.The doctor told me my arm would be sore for a while after the shot.My back is sore today after lifting those boxes yesterday.
similar words:
aching, bruised, pained, smarting
definition 2: of an injury such as a wound or bruise, sending out physical pain.
I got this bruise over a week ago, but it's still sore.
painful, raw, tender
similar words:
sensitive, smarting
definition 3: causing or likely to cause embarrassment, annoyance, or offense.
My cousin and I get along well if we agree to avoid talking about sore topics.That's a sore subject with him, so I don't think you should question him about that.
awkward, ticklish, touchy
similar words:
annoying, delicate, difficult, embarrassing, irksome, offensive, sensitive, tender
definition 4: (informal) angry, annoyed, or offended.
She was sore at him for leaving her without a ride home.Don't get sore, but I borrowed your jacket and I spilled something on it. Sorry!
angry, annoyed, mad, offended
similar words:
indignant, nettled, peeved, pissed, upset
definition 5: causing considerable misery or distress.
The family was in sore poverty at that time.
agonizing, distressing, grievous
similar words:
acute, desperate, difficult, dire, hard, heavy, intolerable, miserable, oppressive, severe
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a painful or sensitive wound or bruise on the body, esp. one in which the skin is broken.
There was a sore on his leg that seemed to be infected.The patient had sores on his body from lying too long in one position in his bed.The small sore on her tongue was quite painful.
blain, lesion, wound
similar words:
definition 2: a cause of pain, misery, distress, or the like.
affliction, hurt, injury
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivation: soreness (n.)
Homophone Note
Are you looking for the word soar (to fly)? Sore and soar sound alike but have different meanings.
Word Explorer
  angry, body, disease, injury