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Word Combinations (verb), Note, Word Parts
part of speech: verb
inflections: compares, comparing, compared
definition 1: to say or note how something is similar to or different from something else.
When she compared the two desserts, she said that they were both delicious but that one had more chocolate than the other.If you compare Tony with Angelo, you can see that they are both very smart, but Tony is interested in school and Angelo is mostly interested in sports.
similar words:
definition 2: to say that one thing is like another thing.
He compared her eyes to the stars in the sky.
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derivation: comparer (n.)
compare to or compare with?
Compare to is used to say that something is like another thing. Compare with is used when you look at two things to find out whether they are the same or different, or to describe in what ways they are similar or different. In recent years, the use of "compare with" has decreased, however, and many people are using "compare to" for both meanings, especially in the expression "compared to." Some strict grammar teachers might still say that the sentence "It's very cold today compared to yesterday" is incorrect, but the use of "to" in this type of sentence is accepted as correct by most people nowadays.
  • She compared her boyfriend to a handsome movie star.
  • She compared her old car with her new car.
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