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parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb
Word Combinations (noun, verb), Word Explorer, Grammatical Patterns
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a circlet or headdress, often made of precious materials, worn by a king, queen, emperor, or other monarch, usu. on state occasions, as a symbol of sovereignty.
similar words:
chaplet, circlet, coronet, headdress, tiara
definition 2: (sometimes cap.) the position, authoritative power, or emblem of a monarch.
diadem, kingship, monarchy, royalty
similar words:
badge, crest, emblem, insignia, majesty, regalia, rule, sovereignty, symbol
definition 3: a wreath or other ornamental circlet conferred as a reward or mark of honor for an athletic, military, or other achievement.
similar words:
accolade, award, decoration, distinction, honor, palm, tribute
definition 4: a graphic representation of a crown, or anything resembling a crown in shape or position.
similar words:
definition 5: a coin, such as the koruna of former Czechoslovakia, whose name means "crown," or one that has the image of a crown or a head with a crown.
similar words:
koruna, krona, krona, krone, krone
definition 6: a coin formerly minted in England worth five shillings.
definition 7: the highest part of something, such as a head, a mountain, an arch, or a hat.
crest, tiptop, top
similar words:
acme, apex, climax, corona, height, peak, pinnacle, summit, vertex
definition 8: the highest quality, finest attribute, or most perfect state of anything.
acme, best, crest, epitome, pinnacle, top, utmost
similar words:
achievement, attainment, culmination, efflorescence, glory, perfection
definition 9: the enamel covering over the visible part of a tooth.
definition 10: an artificial cover for a tooth; cap.
similar words:
cap, cover, top
definition 11: the point at which the root and stem of a plant join, usu. at ground level.
definition 12: the leafy head of a tree.
similar words:
corona, head, tuft
definition 13: the crest of a bird.
comb, crest
similar words:
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: crowns, crowning, crowned
definition 1: to place a crown or wreath on the head of.
The bishop of London crowned the new queen.
similar words:
inaugurate, induct, install
definition 2: to invest with sovereign power; enthrone.
The bishop willl crown him king on that afternoon.[verb + smby/smth + noun/adj ] Elizabeth I was crowned queen in 1559.[verb + smby/smth + noun/adj ]
enthrone, invest
similar words:
elevate, empower, exalt
definition 3: to confer honor or reward upon.
award, honor
similar words:
applaud, praise, recognize, reward, salute, venerate
definition 4: to be at the top of; surmount.
crest, head, surmount, top
similar words:
cap, pinnacle
definition 5: to form the highest part or chief ornament of.
crest, top
similar words:
adorn, cap, decorate, embellish, festoon, ornament, plume
definition 6: to bring to a successful or triumphant conclusion; complete worthily.
accomplish, achieve, attain, culminate
similar words:
cap, complement, complete, conclude, consummate, finish, perfect, realize
definition 7: to cover or cap (a tooth) with an artificial crown.
similar words:
cap, cover
definition 8: in the game of checkers, to make a piece that has crossed the entire board into a king by placing another piece of the same color on top of it.
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derivations: crownless (adj.), crowner (n.)
Word Explorer
  head, jewelry, monarchy, tree